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A relationship is a bond between two persons and requires both party to put in some effort in order for it to work. However, sometimes things may happen and you have no control over them. These can have negative effects on your relationship and can even cause your partner to breakup with you. But not so fast! Not if you follow a proven plan to make things go back to normal. Right now you can make your relationship last and get even better than before. Below are some advice that you may want to adhere to if you want to keep your partner in your arms where he/she belongs.

1. Attack the problem as soon as it starts

If there is some quarrel developing between you and your partner for whatever reason, try to ease back and let things cool. Don’t try to say something hurtful to your partner because that will only make thing worse. What you should so is wait a little and once both of you have cooled down, be the fist to go and apologize to him/her. A short and simple apology can really turn things around and put a smile on your partners face once again.

2. Make partner know that you love and appreciate him/her

You may tell your partner that you love him or her everyday but do you really show it? As the popular saying goes “action speak louder than words” so you need to put out an effort to let your partner know that they are appreciated for who they are and what they have done for you. It is not about buying him or her the world, sometimes it’s the simplest things that matters most.

3. Engage in a new activity with your partner

To reignite your relationship, you want to mimic when you first started dating. One way to do that is by engaging in a new activity or interest with your partner. Doing novel activities with your partner enables you to re-experience the original emotional state.

In other words, trying something new sparks excitement, producing passion. You can do anything from deep-sea fishing to salsa dancing to hiking a mountain to eating at a different restaurant.

4. Surprise your Partner

The romantic gestures may have been forgotten, but it has to be brought back into your relationship. And if you care enough to bring the spark back into your relationship, you need to start somewhere. Do you remember how often you used to do nice things for each other at the start of the relationship? Why stop now?

Make the effort to woo each other and surprise each other, at least in little ways. You can start small, and your partner will start reciprocating your effort too.

5. Work on your Body and try to Get fit

Well, yes, this sucks, but you need to do this. Most couples let go after getting married or when they get into a long term relationship. They pile up several pounds, they stop dressing up and they just don’t care anymore. If you’re that partner, change yourself.

How would you care for your appearance if you were single, and if you had to go on a first date with someone you like, just how much of an effort would you put into dressing up for them?

Do you make the same effort for your partner who loves you and cares for you? Most probably, you don’t. And why is that? Do you think your partner deserves less of you than a stranger on a first date? You may not want to admit it, but the fact is, you’re taking your lover for granted and just don’t care about their opinions. And it’s time you stop that.

Try to impress your lover and win their appreciation. Look good, dress well, use perfume, flirt and attract their attention!

6. Take a mini-vacation

The first few steps would bring both of you closer together and bond better. And now, it’s time to make a bigger change. Take off on a vacation or a weekend getaway.

But don’t plan something romantic just yet. Remember, there’s always the awkward feeling at the back of your mind because you’re doing all this not because you feel like it, but because you want to reignite the romance. So don’t put too much pressure on trying to focus on romance.

Plan a fun vacation to a beach where the two of you can party all night long, meet new and exciting people together and have a fun time. When you have fun together, romance will find a way back into your lives, so stop worrying about romance just yet!

7. Touch more often

Touch produces arousal, comfort and support both physiologically and psychologically and it doesn’t have to be much of a touch. Holding hands on a walk, making sure you give a hug or kiss or embrace daily reminds you that you’re physiologically bonded.

8. Go Clubbing with your Partner

Remember, the loss of spark in love isn’t because of too much distance in love, it’s because both of you have forgotten to have fun together. So do just that! Go out, paint the town red and have fun together.

Get drunk, party hard, dance and grind against each other, kiss on the dance floor and laugh out loud. Even if you feel too old to dance all night long, try to make the effort to go out to places where you and your partner can have a wild and fun time.

9.Get Naughty Sometimes

A happy romantic relationship needs a good dose of love and sex. So try to bring the sizzle back in your bedroom. Experiment in bed, and try a few naughty things in bed that both of you haven’t tried before.

10. Keep the fire alive

Intimacy is really important in every relationship. Asking each other fun questions is a great way to open new conversations and get to know each other better. On a lazy weekend together, lie down in bed or on the couch, and ask each other a series of intimate and yet revealing questions.

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