Beauty Benefits With Toothpaste

Monika Latkar

We all are concerned about our skin. But we are always disappointed after using different products from the market and spending money on them. So here are the ways to keep your skin glowing and healthy by using a toothpaste. It will surely help you!

1. Toothpaste For Skin Whitening : toothpaste+lemon juice

Toothpaste for skin whitening is one of the best remedies you can try. All you need to do is - use one tbsp of toothpaste mixed with a little lemon juice. The mixture is applied on your face to as a pack to help improve skin tone.

2. Toothpaste For Acne

Acne is the second skin problem every one faces. When ever a pimple pops up, dab a little paste over it and let it stay overnight. The next morning the pimple appears to be dry without a scar too.

3. Toothpaste For Blemishes : toothpaste+milk

You can say good-bye to blemishes with the help of toothpaste. Make a mixture with paste and milk, apply it on your face to get rid of the problem.

4. Toothpaste For For Wrinkles

Wrinkles can be lightened with the help of toothpaste too. All you need to do is apply a little toothpaste on the area and leave in overnight. Rinse the next day.

5. Toothpaste For Dark Spots : toothpaste+tomato juice

Dark spots can be lightened with toothpaste. However you need to add the juice of a tomato to the paste to make a mask for the spots.

6. Toothpaste For Blackheads : toothpaste+walnut scrub

Blackheads is another skin problem each of us face everyday. To remove blackheads, use toothpaste mixed with a portion of walnut scrub.

7. Toothpaste For Dark Lines : toothpaste+water

With the help of toothpaste for skin care, getting rid of those nasty dark or black lines is made simple. All you need to do is make a mixture of paste and water and apply it to the lines.

8. Toothpaste For Facial Hair : toothpaste+lemon juice+salt/sugar

To remove facial hair use a combination of toothpaste, lemon and salt or sugar. This mixture is massaged on your skin in an upward manner to remove the facial hair.

9. Toothpaste For Whiteheads : toothpaste+water

Whiteheads can be removed if you brush your skin using toothpaste and water.

10. Toothpaste For Oily Skin : toothpaste+water+salt

Oily skin can be treated with the help of toothpaste. Make a solution of paste, water and salt. Rinse your face each morning to solve this skin problem.

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