Unknown Tom and Jerry Facts That'll Expose Fans To Amazing Realities

Rekha Jadhav

The most prominent memories of our childhood, Tom and Jerry is definitely one cartoon that made our childhood happy and enjoyable, as well as being a name which we all will not forget for the rest of our lives. You may have watched all the shows but there are few things and facts that you probably don’t know about the show. Here in this article I am going to highlight those surprising and unknown facts that will expose you to their amazing realities.

Jansper and Jinx to Tom and Jerry

Most people know Tom and Jerry, but they would not know how their names came from. The real hero of the Tom and Jerry saga was Known by the name John Carr. He was the humble animator who won a studio-wide competition to come up with permanent names for the cat and mouse and define their characters. His suggestion not only helped to define two of the greatest and immortal cartoon characters, he also managed to win 50 dollars for his suggestion. Without this guy, our iconic cat and mouse would not have these names as before this competition, Tom was supposed to be called Jasper and Jerry was nameless and later aws called Jinx. The combination wasn’t that good.

The Creators Didn’t Stop

Tom & Jerry was made by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, they’ve not only created the infamous animation series, but also formed the studio that gave us Yogi Bear, Top Cat, Scooby-Doo, The Smurfs, The Flintstones and many others!

Tom and Jerry Became Temporary Best Friends

We all know that Tom and Jerry were sworn enemies, but did you know in 1975, they actually became friends? I am not talking about plain friends. In 1975, both of them actually became best friends, in a special series which saw them travel the world competing in sports, solving mysteries and enjoying a bromance in cozy way. But it didn’t last.

Criticized for Being Violent

Tom and Jerry was criticized for being what many consider unnecessarily violent, in reality, there is actually no blood or gore in any of the original cartoons and neither anyone ever is seriously injured.

Achievements by the Show

Thirteen entries in the Tom and Jerry series were nominated for the Academy Award for Best Short Subject: Cartoons. Seven of them went on to win the Academy Award, breaking the Disney studio’s winning streak in that category! Tom and Jerry won more Academy Awards than any other character-based theatrical animated series.

Tom & Jerry and the Silence

Tom and Jerry were never silent characters. Throughout the series they’ve mumbled and uttered a lot of lines which we never paid attention to.

Copycats of Tom and Jerry

Tom & Jerry had a number of knock-off series. One of the most famous ones was the so-called Herman and Katnip, but as you’d expect the show didn’t really make much in the industry.

Tom and Jerry’s First Movie

The first international film of Tom and Jerry released in Oct 1992. Later DVD released and it was sold to Warner Brothers. 

The Spike & Tyke

Tom and Jerry had a spin-off! A series called Spike & Tyke was created in 1957 and saw the American bulldog father-and-son team who occasionally beat up Tom! Sadly they only released two episodes before the studio was shut down.

Final Episode

 Speaking about endings, Tom and Jerry had a pretty sad ending to their epic tale.  In the final episode of Tom and Jerry the two come to a very bad end when they both take their own lives on a train track. The cartoon did not show the train running over them, but it was implied with the look on their faces and way they waited for the train to run over them. That was a sad ending and they deserve a better ending after providing so much entertainment.

We all will love and keep loving both Tom and Jerry. If you still miss them try on these things-

Tom and Jerry T shirt

Jerry as soft toy

Smart Buy of Both Tom and Jerry

Wall Sticker

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