The Most Popular Indian Authors

Renuka Karanje

Now a days once popularity is decided on how much stronger he/she is on social media. Since the stronger presence you have got the stronger is your brand, and Indian Fiction Authors who write amazing stories get a lot of love from their readers, so i have combined a list of the most popular Indian authors who have a stronger social media presence. 

14] Keshav Aneel

he has just written two books, but people have been in love with his writing and his social media presence is as below,

Facebook:  84k+ Likes

Instagram: 1404 followers [I'm quite sure he will gain more popularity on the photo sharing platform soon]


13] Arpit Vageria

Arpit Vageria author of popular books like â€œYou are My Reason to Smile” and â€œBe My Perfect Ending” and is one of the most active authors. His popularity is,

Facebook: 88k+ likes

Instagram: 8k+ followers


12] Novoneel Chakraborty

Novoneel is one the most read Mystery romance Author in India. His stranger trilogy was one of the hottest selling series on Amazon. 

His popularity is,

Facebook: 128K+ Likes

Instagram: 9k+ Followers


11] Bhaavna Arora

She can also be called as E. L. James of India. Her books have the main theme as erotica. her popularity is,

Facebook: 134k+ Likes

Instagram: 3K+ followers


10] Devdutt Pattanaik

Devdutt Pattanaik is one of the legendary Authors and his popularity can be seen in all platforms may it be facebook, twitter, instagram or Tinkerfeed. 

Facebook: 157K+ Likes

Instagram: 17K+ Followers

Tinkerfeed: Highest followed Author


9] Ajay K Pandey

He is just one book old, but his popularity leaves behind many popular authors.

Facebook: 168k+ Likes

Instagram: 4K+ Followers

8] Nikita Singh

She is termed as the most beautiful Indian Author, and her popularity boast about her beauty.

Facebook:  193K+ Likes

Instagram:  51k+ Followers 


7] Preeti Shenoy

According to The Hindu, 'She is the only Lady in the bestseller league of Gentlemen in India.'

Facebook: 216K+ Likes

Instagram: 22K+ Followers

6] Anuj Tiwari

He is one of the most popular Indian authors who not just have followers and likes but also have strong engagement rate.

Facebook:  548K+ Likes

Instagram: 14K+ Followers

5] Savi Sharma

She is the new sensation in the Indian publishing scene.

Facebook: 703K+ Likes

Instagram: 59K+ Followers


4] Amish Tripathi

Who in nation might not have heard about Amish, He is the next big name after chetan Bhagat and his popularity on facebook is 1M+

3] Durjoy Datta

He is the Hottest Selling Romance Author and girl go weak in their knees when he smiles, he has huge popularity on  1.2 Million followers on Facebook and 236k fans on Instagram. 


2] Ravinder Singh

He does not need any introduction as nearly everyone has felt his emotions by reading 'I Too Had A  Love Story' he has 1.3 Million on Facebook, 1.14 Million on Twitter and 17.1K on Instagram.


1] Chetan Bhagat

6.5 Million fans on Facebook, 11.6 Million fans on Twitter and 269K fans on Instagram He is the MOST POPULAR INDIAN AUTHOR.

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