Tulsi by Himanshu goel

Misty Basu

"The deep green in the vial was more beautiful than any colour Raheem had seen,in his drugged state the green had an hypnotizing effect on his mind.There was a sticker on it with TULSI printed in fine letters" - #TulsiThebook 

Set in the futuristic timeline of 2056,A brilliant detective Anisha is called upon to investigate a series of gruesome murders in chandigarh.She finds an uncanny accomplice in a taxi driver and they venture on an nail biting,intriguing trail of an mysterious drug.Though there are a series of murder mysteries by Indian authors are doing rounds,this one is a fresh take conceptualizing on the sci-fi background and unique protagonist on the forefront.I wouldnt term it as a brilliant debut attempt coz it has its share of flaws but definitely is packed with A potential and insight.

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