Book Review: Emotions And Elation by Banani Das Dhar

Ayushi A Nair

Book Title: Emotions And Elation
Author: Banani Das Dhar 
Format: Paper Back
Total Number of Pages: 90
Language: English
Publishing Date: 4 June 2018
ASIN: B07DHB9521

Each expectant mother goes through a different journey, each relationship with the unborn child special. This book is a piece of my soul. It does not aim to be a guidebook but is a detailed journal of my beautiful journey. Yes, my body went through a tremendous transformation and not every moment was as smooth as I thought it to be. What started out as a period of pampering and feasting was soon overshadowed by bouts of miserable times as well. A long separation from my husband and a gnawing loneliness marred my joy. I want to take you on an emotional ride, one that touched every nerve of my being. a joy that has to be experienced to be believed. welcome to my world !

My Take

The first impression is the best impression the foremost thing which i liked in the book is the simple and yet beautiful cover. The title of the book Emotions and Elation is apt according to the plot. They complement each other well and also is according to the story, so it’s a perfect combination.

Motherhood is the greatest gift God gave to womankind, to know that we are instruments in  God’s Creation, to know that we participated in God’s purpose and plan. The author has written her personal life experience of her 9 month of conceiving a baby and her anxieties and ambivalence that pregnant women experience. Baby moon was my favorite part of the book. Words flow smoothly and emotions find expression thus making the book a veritable treat.

The language of the book is simple and crisp which will make it easy to read for the readers. The book is free from any grammatical errors and has been perfectly edited. The pace is perfect, neither slow nor too fast. It is steady and smooth. Narration is done well. Characterization is perfect. All the characters are well developed.

I miss you the most at night.

When everything is quiet and the silence reminds me

That I’m not sleeping next to you…

An engaging read, I would like to recommend this book to all bibliophiles.

Overall Ratings 5/5 Star

Grab the book here-

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