Can be confused

Ismael Mansoor

Young king wanted to see you, Mr Man.

Why must I go to see him, Miss Woman?

Go to young king, and you will find out why.

Why must I kneel down before him, young king?

Too bad that you can’t say a no to him.


Your highness, young king.

Mr Man, don’t kneel down before my eyes.

Forgive me, your highness.

Why did you not abandon my order?

I am weak to fear.

You fear me, Mr Man? I don’t think so.

I couldn’t abandon your…

Why are your voice very soft, Mr Man?

A…ban…don your o.

Well, let my eyes off on you, off you go.


I can’t believe that I couldn’t say a word.

Now Mr Man is afraid of young king.

O, I mark on my words, I will fear no more.

Will Miss Woman fear no more of misters?

Lucky that young king is so merciful.

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