Interview with Sunil Yadav Author of Scattered Thoughts

Team WordBite

1. Can you tell us something about your book?

- “Scattered Thoughts” is a group of quotes written about the ups and downs in life where

we experience happiness, love, sadness, anger and jealousy.

2. How do you manage to take out time to write in your busy schedule?

- If you are truly passionate about something, you will make that a

priority and set aside time to be creative. I find that the best time for

me to write is at night.

3. Who is your favorite author?

- My favorite author at the moment is

Ted Chiang who wrote a short story which is the movie “Arrival”

based on. He writes in an algorithmic way, which is very easy to read

and comprehend.

4. If given a chance which personalities biography you would love to

write and why?

- I would really be interested in writing about my

parents. They are my heroes.

5. What are your thoughts about co-Authoring? Any author you would

love to co-Author with?

-That may be a future goal and I would love

the challenge of co-authoring with someone if the opportunity

presents itself. I’m always open to new opportunities.

6. What difficulties you faced while writing this book?

- Lots of patience is required to do anything and writing books test your patience. Since

this is my second book, it felt easier to accomplish. I also write daily

quotes on social networking sites. This helped me compile the quotes

for this book.

7. What should your readers expect from you next?

- I’m hoping to compile a collection of love poems and quotes or publish a chapter

book. It all depends on time and the amount of efforts and dedication

needed to complete such a big task.

8. Any advice for budding writers?

- It is said that it takes 10,000 hours

to master anything. You can’t give up on your dream, write as often

as possible, no matter how awful you might think it is at the time.

Everything is a lesson that we learn from every day. Don’t give up.

Keep writing.

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