Things that can happen in Stranger Things 4 Part 2



The Season 4 of Stranger Things has finally landed with seven supersized episodes, and the best bit? It’s not even over yet. In fact, we’re only two-thirds of the way through (or one ‘volume’) and now we’re flipping ourselves upside down as we impatiently wait for the final two episodes to drop. With many relationships, interactions, and questions left up in the air after the mid-season finale of Season 4 of Stranger Things, there are many elements that fans can't wait to see in the second half of Season 4. Till then as we wait we can only guess what can happen in the second part of the show. So let's have a look at the things we think can happen in Part 2 of Stranger Things season 4 

Eddie and Argyle will meet 

Two of the best new characters from Season 4, Eddie and Argyle are both loyal, outspoken, and downright hilarious additions to the already awesome cast of Stranger Things. As Will, Mike, Jonathan, and Eddie are headed for Hawkins, it's very possible for these two characters to meet. These are two of the funniest characters of the show and new to the world of the Upside Down, so seeing them interact in part 2 of Season 4 could give fans some of the most hilarious banter and scenes in the entire series.

Possible Prison Escape

The end of the first part of Season 4 saw Hopper reunite with Joyce and Murray, but the three characters are still trapped in a Russian prison that has a Demogorgon on the loose. Whether or not they defeat the Demogorgon remains to be seen, but one thing for certain, they won't stay put for very long. As the next steps in their adventure probably involve breaking out of the prison, a scene of the trio using their combined wit to escape.

Will's Painting

While it may just initially serve as a way of reintroducing Will in Season 4, he brought his painting to the airport when picking up Mike, and Will brought it along when they escaped Lenora. As nothing in Stranger, Things happens by accident, the mystery of what the painting entails will hopefully be shown to audiences in part 2 of Season 4. As many fans have had long-running theories about Will and his hidden sexuality, it's also possible the painting could be a way to finally show this to the audience and the other characters.

El and Mike will Patch up 

El and Mike's relationship became estranged in Season 4 as Mike found out the truth about the struggles El was having during her time at Lenora. Since the two never got to sort out their fight with one another, their relationship is very much in the air at this point. As the two teen lovebirds have always found a way to sort out their issues in the past, it's very likely that Mike and El will get the chance to rekindle their romance in Volume 2, and many fans can't wait to see it happen, as their relationship is at the heart of Stranger Things.

El Using Her Powers

Eleven has spent the majority of Season 4 in the memories of her time at Hawkins Lab in an effort to restore her powers. As she briefly uses her powers in Episode 5, the question now is whether or not they have fully returned. Eleven finally learns the tragic truth about the deaths of all the other children at Hawkins Lab, but it's possible that her newfound peace could end up making her stronger than fans have ever seen beforehand. 


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