Best Friend Vs Normal Friend WhatsApp Chats Will Remind You Of Your Best Friend

Team WordBite

We all have that one friend with whom we share 'an out of this world' chemistry and that one friend is our best friend. Our best friend is surely the one who cares for us, but a best friend is also the one who finds peace in teasing us day in day out. 

A best friend at times drags you in the some of the ugliest situations in life, but he also helps get out of the biggest problem in your life. A best friend is the one who will hardly hug in a while, but the moment a best friend embraces you in his warm hug, you tend to forget all the sorrows of life, and all you are left with is a big wide smile.

So, friends, here's a chance for you to know whether or not you have a best friend in life. These WhatsApp chats will help you figure out the normal friends and that one best friend in your life.

1. When a normal friend pings you after a long time...

But this happens when your best friend pings you after a long time...

2. When your 'just a friend' asks you about your date!

But when your best friend asks you about your love life!

3. A normal friend brings out a sophisticated person in you.

But your best friend brings out a dirtiest person in you.

4. When a normal friend consoles you, for your heartbreak!

But when your best friend consoles you, for your heartbreak!

5. This is what happens with just a friend when you find yourself in a 'panga'.

This is what happens with your best friend when you find yourself in a 'panga'.

I'm sure you got a smile on our face! This will help you all to find your best friend :D

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