Weird Things Every Girl Does When She Is Staying Alone

Renuka Karanje

We all have done some of the gross things when we are all alone in our houses. If no one is in the house it makes us least worried about someone judging us. It may find weird with girls but yes as boys have few things which they secretly does when left alone at home, there are things which every living girl does when she is alone.

Here is a list of the weird things a girl does when she is staying all alone:

Analyzing Yourself for Hours in Mirror Naked

Most of you must have done this at least once. But when a girl is left alone she will be staring at her naked body for hours. Some self obsessed can do it for whole day.

Trying Mix-Matched Clothing and Taking Pictures from Various Angles

Normally we try our fancy clothes for pictures but when a girl is left alone she will try to mix-match the clothing and take different pictures from various angles.

Cooking something Different by Putting All Ingredients Together

Not all girls like to cook but every girl would like to try something different to cook. And for this she can mix up all the ingredients she has in her cupboard.

Stalk Exes and Old Crushes Online and Imaging Your Life Now With Them

Stalking our exes and crushes is something we all do. But when girls are alone they will definitely stalk their exes and laugh over their ugly girlfriends or wives. Also they might cry seeing their hot partners.


The free time is sometimes utilized by trying to exercise. The weird thing is that some of them will do it for hardly 5 minutes and give up.

Feeling Yourself

Not sexually but just touching some parts of the body like boobs feels nice.

 Pick Boogers and Flick

This is really gross but women find this game interesting when they are alone.

Make a Monster Mask

To get all in one effect girls do take all face masks and mix them together and wear it all day long.

Fart audibly

When someone is around girls don’t do it but when left alone they fart audibly and loves the feeling after doing it.

Order Food Excessively

It’s not just the foodie one does it but normally every girl order lot of food and eat excessively and then just ride the wave. 

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