An Interview Session with Author Saurish Hegde

Rasika Pathak


Today I, Rasika will be interviewing with Saurish Hegde who is the author of best-selling book "The Game Of Secrets". 

I will start with the interview:

Rasika: Firstly, congratulations on the release of your first book. How does it feel to be a published author?

Saurish: Thank you. It feels great and also very much satisfying to display my work to audience. Ultimately that is what every artist wants, an audience. So Yeah, happy about being a published author. Hope to write many more stories across genres and inspire many more.


Rasika: Before we talk about the book, tell us more about yourself?

Saurish: I am currently pursuing my medical career in Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore (Manipal university). I will be completing the course in a year. I've always been a reader, mostly thrillers and nonfiction, now drifting to other genres as well. Reading is something which has shaped my principles and outlook towards the worldly happenings, so reading is a very important part of my life.

Writing for me took its course around couple of years back. It was a spontaneous act.


Rasika: How do you manage to take out time for writing in your busy schedule?

Saurish: I always try and write at least an hour everyday during regular workdays, which I'm fairly able to manage.


Rasika: What troubles have you faced while you were writing your first book?

Saurish: My main difficult was the vocabulary. I knew from the start that I would need to work on my language skills. So initially I used the simple vocabulary. And I'm still working on it. It will develop over time I feel.


Rasika: Was there any scene which was really difficult for you to pen down?

Saurish: There was no specific scene as such, but then the interactions involving Nishanth( protagonist) and Ramdas were tricky at some points particularly because it involved more about the concepts of the experiment than casual dialogue.


Rasika: Tell us more about how you write?

Saurish: I don't believe in rules while writing. I follow a free flowing approach. I have a basic outline of the story figured out and then I start writing. The story goes where the characters take it.

Once complete then rewrite it for upgrades which I'm working on.


Rasika: How was your journey of finding publisher?

Saurish: Finding a publisher is one of the hardest things for sure. At present the Indian literary scene is also young and blooming, so there is no shortage of publishers and agents.

After writing my book I searched online and applied to publishers and agents based on their guidelines. And the book bakers agency grade by my agent Suhail Mathur  who aim at young authors accepted my script. It was a good deal for a young author like me to get an amazing agency helping to get our stories published.


Rasika: Any tips for budding and upcoming writers?

Saurish: If they are authors, they will know how to get past all the difficulties.

I would only say that writing is a pure artistic field and it will take a very long time to get established. So we have to be prepared for the long haul.


Rasika: What should your readers expect from you next book?

Saurish: They can expect a change in genre and a longer book for sure for my next. Will update soon.


Rasika: Would you ever consider writing in some other genre?

Saurish: Definitely. Romance, fantasy, drama all of it. Because I feel any good story doesn't limit itself to a specific genre. It has to have elements of everything.


Rasika: Have you ever got any hate mail? If yes, how did you respond to it?

Saurish: Not yet. Fairly good responses till now.

Would love to get some soon.

So what are you waiting for? Buy his book now!


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