Book Review: Long Story Short : A Collection of Heartfelt Short Stories by Neha Gosain

Ayushi A Nair

Book Title: Long Story Short : A Collection of Heartfelt Short Stories 
Author: Neha Gosain
Format: Paper Back
Total Number of Pages: 122
Language: English
Publisher: Notion Press
Publishing Date: 30 July 2017
ISBN-10: 1947498509
ISBN-13: 978-1947498501

Vikram asked Vedika if she liked the carousel as a marriage interview question! Didn’t he have anything else to ask? How did Vedika respond?

Thirty-year-old Jahaan had never complained about the loss of his parents during partition. He just remembered a goldfish! Karim Chacha claims he was absolutely fine a day before. Why is Jahaan dead now?

A war hero who has fought valiantly for his country is unable to cope with the small struggles of life. Can a little boy help him win the battle of life?

Why does Tom want to prove his worth to a picture?

Long Story Short answers these questions and many more! These stories are about characters who fight personal battles and win. They are a metaphor for the heroic spirit an average individual exhibits. They narrate life events that mirror the battles readers are likely to face in their regular lives and offer deeper underlying lessons. You will definitely find glimpses of your life in these stories!

The cover is beautiful. The title is apt for the plot.. It's a collection of long short story. The narration is perfect. The best thing about the book is that it flows very smoothly and without any loop holes. As the author points it right in the foreword that in a busy schedule one has now-a-days it is hard to find time during the day to read a book. It is then, when a quick and refreshing read like short stories play their part and keep us entertained. It does that for me and I guess many more share the same views. One might feel the emotions of those characters while they read. The author has done a good job in narrating all the stories with ease. The language is simple to follow which make it easier for the reader to connect to the characters in the stories and resonate with them.

Overall Ratings- 3.5/5

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