Interview with Rahul Sharma Author of Nature’s Bounty & Weakness of the Flesh

Team WordBite

Today we will be interviewing Rahul Sharma who is a motivational author.

He has recently written a great poetry book named “Nature’s Bounty &

Weakness of the Flesh"

So let’s see what this author has to say about his book.

Team Tinkerfeed:   Hello Rahul! Hope you are doing great. Can you tell us something about your book? 

Rahul Sharma: The book is a poetry work based on observations and inspired by varied themes. The beauty of Nature is praised and varied human mentalities are critically reviewed using different poetic devices. The book has assorted flavors of relations, appreciations and condemnations. The work is original, fresh and worthy reading.

TWB: How do you manage to take out time to write in your busy schedule?

RS: My main profession is teaching and I have been in this profession for more than a decade. Being a science professional and active researcher, I have an inbuilt habit of keen observation. I believe this gives a different strength to my way of observation, understanding and gathering the words for that. Though, it’s tough to write with busy schedule but whenever I get free time I try to play with words and situations dancing in my mind on paper.

TWB:  Who is your favorite author?

RS: Rudyard kipling (English), Dushyant Kumar (Hindi) and Shiv Kumar Batalvi (Punjabi). These three poets have been my favorite for their unique writing styles, poetic devices and theme selections.

TWB:   If given a chance which personalities biography you would love to write and why?

RS: If given a chance I would love to write a biography of Sh. Atal Bihari Vajpayee. He is an ideal person, ideal politician and a great poet motivating many from this life.

TWB:  What are your thoughts about co-Authoring? Any author you would love to co-Author with?

RS: Co-authoring is always challenging. You have to write reaching the level of your co-author. Agha shahid Ali and Harivansh Rai Bacchan will be my choices to work with as co-author.

TWB:  What difficulties you faced while writing this book?

RS: The most haunting difficulty is that you start a poem and go on in a direction your subconscious mind dictates you to. But you don’t know how to end it and which end is most suitable for the work. And surely the toughest part is editing.

TWB:  What should your readers expect from you next?

RS: I am right now working on a translation of the book based on the life of a deity.

TWB:  Any advice for budding writers?

RS: Budding writers have fresh ideas. All they need is to experiment using different poetic devices in their work. Try, try and try again is the key.

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