Interview With Vansh Arora

Ayushi A Nair

Vansh is currently pursuing his higher studies. Along with it, he is working on the sequel to “My Love is Away from Mortality”. When not writing, Vansh loves to follow sports or heap up some knowledge about stuff which fails to make into the textbooks. Apart from it, he is a proficient member and a self-proclaimed food tasting officer.

A couple of easy questions to begin with… First off, When did you start writing?

I started writing when I was 13. Writing was something that always used to incite a feeling of sheer happiness in my life. As the years rolled by, my love for the words increased, therefore, the seriousness I felt towards writing also witnessed a huge increment. That growing seriousness majorly influenced my decision to write a book.   

What motivated you to write your debut novel My Love is Away from Mortality and tell us some more about your book? 

I would be lying if I say that on one fine day the inspiration to pen this book arrived in some imaginary caravan, flanked by the desire to attain fame or heap up bundles of money. Honestly, a couple of year’s back my life was delving deeper in to a chasm from where making a return was like the most unlikely thing. It desperately needed some purpose, and that desperation pushed me to consider this big option of writing a book. Now as I look back and reflect on that decisive moment, I realize that desperation was nothing but a blessing in disguise. If the circumstances were even a bit different, it will be fair to say that I might never have written this book.  

As a new author, what is your favorite part of the writing/ publishing process? Least favorite.

The period between signing the contract and officially releasing the book was something I enjoyed a lot. Anxiety about how things will unfold was definitely there, but it couldn’t beat the feeling of joy which I experienced after months of grinding.

The least favorite? The marketing phase. During this time you connect with loads of people, and as an introvert, I don’t fancy doing it much. Don’t take me wrong here. It’s exciting when you bump into different kinds of personalities, but my huge spells of isolation have shaped me in such a way that on several instances those interactive sessions fuel the feeling of awkwardness in my head.  

What does your writing space look like?

I try to keep my writing space clean, but I don’t know how by the end of the day it looks like the ugliest portion of earth.

When you get a story idea, do you scribble it on any scrap of paper or napkin you can find, or do you have a special notebook or online tool where you keep all the inspiration?

Unfortunately, I always seem to think that I’ll remember if any interesting story idea pops up in my head. Needless to say, I end up forgetting most of them. However, right now I am working on to change my habit. I always carry a small diary with me like it’s a part of my skin, a part which is swelled up enough to create a bulge in my pocket (Okay, no lame jokes here).   

Besides writing, what else do you do in your free time?

Usually in my free time I try to work towards the development of my NGO named “Redrafting Humanity”. Apart from it, I am a sports enthusiast. So, when taking a break from writing I make sure that I watch every match of some certain team or individual I admire in each sport.

What are your top three favorite books of all time?

That’s a tough one to answer. Nevertheless, I’ll pick three from the pool.

  1. The White Tiger by Arvind Adiga
  2. Shalimar the clown by Salman Rushdie
  3. The Shining by Stephen King

Which celebrities, dead or alive, do you admire the most, and why?

I admire Cristiano Ronaldo (Professional footballer) a lot. He is an example that you can conquer anything if you are brave enough to put in the required amount of persistence.

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why? 

Writing the climax was the point where my adrenaline soared up to the god level. The realization of the fact that I was scripting something which had the potential to impress a sizeable amount of readers had me elated to the core.(No, I am not praising my own work. I mentioned “Potential” to give a perspective through which this line should be seen). 

Were your parents supportive of your choice of career?

Initially, the doubt was certainly there, but still they had my back all the while I was writing MLIAFM. They were quick to realize the fact that only writing can bring the most radiant smile on my face.

What is that dream goal you want to achieve before you die?

I want to make a mark, be it with my words or with something else. I want to be remembered as someone who enclosed complacency in a cocoon and tossed it in an ocean, someone who was always striving to reach the next level. The ambition is the only thing which motivates me to leave my bed every morning and work.

I would like you to share something about yourself with the readers. Something that does not go in the about the author section something that is the real you?

Honestly, I don’t have much to reveal about myself if we don’t count that the character of Aditi from My Love is Away from Mortality carries one of my biggest traits of envisioning worst possible consequences of every situation, and that Manav possesses an element of what I used to be once. Also, I feel that I’ll win The Booker Prize if they start giving it to the authors who took forever to write a book and still couldn’t write a masterpiece (I am too critical about whatever I write).

Any word of advice for budding authors and bibliophiles out there?

The only advice I have for the budding authors is “Don’t write what the analysis of your marketing research says. If you are really keen on giving your 100%, writing what your heart says is the first step you can take towards it. That’s the only way you’ll be able to enjoy the process, and enjoying the process is something really important, at least in my perspective.

Here are some of links via you can contact him-

Link to buy his book –

It was really a privilege interviewing you. Hope you enjoyed the interview.

Thank you!!

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