The Common Disease


The Common Disease

We are Humans, we are the creators of most of the things we can see/feel around, be it corruption,  be it isolation,  we are the experts who curated this sarcastically beautiful world! 
Confused? Turn around and you would know,  the comments passed on a girl wearing short dress,  the threat calls of rape and murder to the girl who turned down a proposal, torturing people for being LGBT, shutting mouths of girls taking about menstruation!!! 
Look what good we have done to our society,  where people have to pretend to be somebody they are actually not!  This is not mass personality disorder but the extreme Influency of the dramatic critic who call themselves as the *SOCIETY*.
We are our own rule makers,  nobody is doing work in our place to earn money for our household thus they should not guide us about how to use it,  I am an individual and I will wear short dress, if you are so concerned about me not getting raped then teach your son! I am an individual and I am permitted by the law to love somebody with same sex, I am an individual with great focus and I would turn down your proposal until I want to accept! Who are you to decide?  Who is *SOCIETY*? Just a bunch of hypocrites who have been preventing our best to come out,  but I am not afraid of being denunciated for the right I do,  neither should you! 
After 70 years of my Independent nation , we  deserve to have our individual inpendence! Thus fight for what's right . If you wish to have the change,  then initiate with it. 

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