Interview with KVNDM Priyanka Author of Phrased Thoughts

Team WordBite

Today, we will be interviewing KVNDM Priyanka who is an inspiring author. Priyanka has recently written a great book so let's see what this author has to say about her writing and life.

Team Tinkerfeed: Can you tell us something about your book?

KVNDM Priyanka: This book is the compilation of various thoughts! Those thoughts which are usually unnoticed, it also includes quotes on various genres. I mostly write quotes on YQ & there I got this book deal with Tinkerfeed in June but due my CA final exams, I reverted back to Tinkerfeed in December. Thanks to Tinkerfeed for kindly solving all my queries and making this book! Glad this book happened earlier than I expected.

TW: What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

KP: I write whenever I feel like. I’m a CA student, so whenever I get a thought & when I feel to write, I write. (Writing is a stress buster to me) I don’t believe I need a schedule to do what I love to do.

TW: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

KP: I used to write to get rid of thoughts. Then started writing on Your Quote. Now writing became part of my daily routine. Precisely writing became a companion.

TW: What do you like to do when you're not writing?

KP: I watch movies, study, play & over think.

TW: What does your family think of your writing?

KP: They gave me the complete liberty to chase my dreams and it is the reason I found writer in me. They feel elated.

TW: Who is your favorite author?

KP: I admire the brilliance behind creation of Sherlock Holmes i.e. Arthur Conan Doyle &I read whatever I get to find.

TW: Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

KP: Life & Nature. Everyone have their own story, knowing people around and appreciating Nature, paves the way towards ideas for writing.

TW: What should your readers expect from you next?

KP: I wanted to write a story, but I’m not sure whether and what I will be able to come up with. But I will be regular at writing quotes in my Tinkerfeed account.

TW: Any advice for budding writers?

KP: Practice & read more. Write what your heart says. Write until you feel satisfied with the content. Remember, people will never concentrate on mistakes, when the content is admirable and so with the life too! Never worry about the grammar mistakes, lot many people are mostly dedicated to show the flaws. Focus on what you want to convey!

Buy her book from Amazon NOW!

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