A Long Way

Zeenat Qureshi

The extraordinary touch of your fingers on my body, Your intimidating eyes that kisses me everytime you watch me, Fix your eyes on mine, Never dare to look away, We have a long way to go My uncontrolled thoughts, your smoking habits, The sole purpose of your existence to be written for me, Surrender those habits of yours, Never dare to seek them back, We have a long way to go. Guard me with those strong hands, Confide in me forever, don't let me go, Cause this love is meant to stay, Says the imperfections we ignore, Give me that heart of yours and Never dare to steal it back, We have a long way to go. We may lack understanding but never the confidence. I wish to forever mend my brokenness By gazing at you, Keep that smile of yours, Never dare to let go, Give me your heart, We have a long way to go, An eternity to go, a forever to go, Just you and me, We have a long way to go.

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