Book Review: The Blue Moon Day By Santhosh Sivaraj

Ayushi A Nair

Book Title: The Blue Moon Day
Author: Santhosh Sivaraj
Format: Paper Back
Total Number of Pages: 
Language: English
Publisher: Invincible Publishers 
Publishing Date: 4th June 2018
ISBN-10: 9387328767
ISBN-13: 978-9387328761

"Are we really Living Our Lives, Or Are Stuck In A Rate Race? The Blue Moon Day Might Open Your Eyes To The Illusion."
-Deccan Chronicle

Things were never the same for five ordinary individuals who got struck at cross roads and there was no way they can run back. They had no other choice but to take a plunge into their deepest fear and leave the rest to destiny. Their characters was tested out of their comfort zone and it witnessed abstruse results; a PhD scholar fights to win a pizza making contest and a tennis prodigy running for his life in a war torn , bloodied Island.
Extreme circumstances and their consequences made these ordinary individuals extraordinary . Was the test imposed on them by someone? Or did they invite it on themselves. The Blue Moon Day is that Once in a Blue Moon day story which questions an individual’s priorities, ridicules the worldly routines and finally redefines happiness.

My Take

The cover is attractive enough to catch attention. It’s one of the best I’ve come across in recent times. The Title of the book The Blue Moon Day is catchy and completely justifying the story. They complement each other well and also is according to the story, so it’s a perfect combination. It’s always great to read a book when it not only has an interesting cover and title but a great story as well.

The story consist of 5 different stories have a different protagonist but there is a common connection among each of the five protagonists was old man in different name. Pizza Engineer, The Messenger, Not Today, The Story Teller, Heaven and last they all come together at The Blue Moon Day. Out of this five short stories The Storyteller is my favorite part. The plot is unique; the storyline is gripping as well as intriguing and the narrative takes the story forward flawlessly. The plot is strong and the author has been able to do full justice to it. Never felt my interest waning. The pace is perfect, neither slow nor too fast. It is steady and smooth. With every turning page the curiosity to read further keeps on increasing.

The author’s mastery over the language is evident from the terms he has used and the vivid description of events that unfold in the pages of the book. He has portrayed each and every character with utmost significance of their own and every one of them has done justice to their respective roles throughout the story.

Language of the book is lucid and written in a simple way to comprehend for any kind of reader. Narration and characterization is done well.

To write is an art, to keep the reader spellbound and yearning for more is magic. An engrossing read that’s capable of keeping the reader on edge till the very end. The book has a very powerful message to deliver. Kudos to the author for penning down this book.

Looking forward to read more books by the author.

A wonderful read, one I’ll strongly recommend to all book lovers.

Overall Ratings- 5/5 Stars.

About The Author

Santhosh Sivaraj believes in seeing with the mind , writing with the heart and living through others. This way he says one can live more life per life.

Based out of Chennai , he started his career as a sailor and eventually ended up wearing many hats in life including that of a teacher, entrepreneur and a banker. He considers the journey of life to be the destination in itself and that pushes him to seek newer avenues in life every now and then. Absurd Economics interests him and he loves doing stand up comedy. He laughs at his own mistakes and loves life unconditionally

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