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There’s no doubt that using a lubricant can spice-up your sex life. Whether you are planning to simply grease the wheels, looking for extra stimulation, combating dryness or experimenting with something new…a lube can help you fix it. But before you introduce it in your sex life, here are a few things that you must keep in mind…

​It is completely okay to use it

Firstly, using a lube does not mean there is something wrong with your vagina. You are the master of your pleasure and no one knows what works the best for you than yourself.

Types of lubes

Before purchasing one, google a bit about the types of lubes available in the market. There are warming lubes, flavoured lubes, oil and water-based lubes, and even silicone-based ones. Ergo, buy the one that floats your boat.

Reapply if needed

Here a pro tip. Applying too much lube in one go can completely eliminate friction or make it a messy affair. Start with a little amount and reapply if needed. It will make your night steamier!

Before you take the plunge, make sure you are not allergic to any of its ingredients. It is better to do a patch test on your skin and check for any rashes or redness.

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